Reclaiming your Sensual Self after Cancer:


Have the effects of cancer treatment made it difficult to experience intimacy + pleasure?
When women are battling cancer, sensuality is often lost – as the focus of the body and mind shift purely to survival. This workshop teaches you to reclaim your vibrancy; feeling fully alive, sensual, and sexual. Over the course of 4 weeks, you will take an inclusive look at female sensuality through the lens of your mind, body, heart and spirit.
This 4-week transformational workshop will provide you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to rekindle the intimacy, connetion, pleasure, and love in your life.
Discover what lies within you, exploring your feelings, needs, and desires. Turn off autopilot & engage more fully in life. If you’re partnered, you’ll learn to strengthen and revitalize your intimate relationship. If you’re single, you’ll learn to be intentional in creating what you desire in a future relationship.

sen-su-al-i-ty The enjoyment, expression, or pursuite of physical, especially sexual, pleasure

Program Objectives:
Cultivate a deeper sense of self as a sensual, sexual woman. Increase sexual confidence and skills Learn strategies to enhance sexual desire when challenged with health issues Gain willingness to receive and experience sexual pleasure Challenge your body image issues that interfere with sexual expression, exploration, and pleasure Explore mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual barriers to sexual intimacy Reflect one’s personal story in a supportive, nonjudgemental space Gain deeper understanding of sexual anatomy and physiology, female sexual response cycle, sexual function and secual health + wellbeing Discuss sexual aides including lubricants, moisturizers, and more Learn and practice a variety of mindfullnes exercises that aim to cultivate present moment awareness, self-acceptance, and reduce distress.

Unable to attend the workshop? Prefer a private environment to protect your anonymity?

Virtual Workshop

Attend our online workshop from the comfort of your own home!

For more information, email

Classes begin on the 1st Thursday in March 2020 and run for 3 consecutive weeks after

Reserve your Spot!

The Fountain Wellness Center 8469 Sheridan Drive Williamsville, NY 14226